Nutritional Matters

3 Hay Street, Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089

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Nutritional Matters

Nutritional Matters

Nutritional Matters, was founded by Clinical Nutritionist, Angela Emmerton, who has a special interest in women’s health, weight loss and menopause.

Are you struggling with symptoms such as; weight gain, fatigue, poor digestion or chronic stress? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to fit what your body needs?

We all arrive in this world with our own unique DNA. So it makes sense that when it comes to your health, it’s not a case of  ‘one size fits all’.

As a qualified nutritionist with a Bachelor in Nutritional Medicine, my training allows me to understand that everyone’s body is different. Your unique genetics, metabolism, dietary and lifestyle preferences will impact what is best for you.

At Nutritional Matters, you’ll receive diet advice and nutritional recommendations that are tailored to your needs and goals.

By keeping it simple, we can keep you motivated to reach your health goals. Even small tweaks to your diet and lifestyle can manage and even prevent chronic disease long-term.

I’m on a mission to challenge the myth that it’s normal for women in mid-life to deal with problems like digestive issues, insomnia, exhaustion and weight gain. By making small changes, you can experience more energy, sleep soundly, maintain a healthy weight and have a greater sense of wellbeing.

Good nutrition and a balanced approach to food is fundamental to good health. If you’re ready to live your best life, I’m here to help.

What does a Nutritionist Do?

If you’re seeking to be your healthiest and most vibrant self, it’s for you!

Some of the health issues my clients seek advice for, include:

  • Weight loss
  • Poor digestion and food intolerances
  • Managing menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Thyroid issues such as low thyroid function
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Management of chronic conditions

How will a Nutritionist help me?
When you come for an appointment here, you can feel sure that you’ll work with a qualified nutritionist who will:

  • Work with you to identify the root cause of any underlying health concerns
  • Leave no stone unturned, thorough review of you and your current health
  • Review and analyse any relevant test results
  • Recommend further test if necessary
  • Educate you about your health
  • Provide you with dietary advice and design personalised meal plans
  • Prescribe (if necessary) clinically trialed, practitioner-only nutritional supplements to support your optimal health
  • Offer evidence-based treatment plans
  • Help you prevent or manage chronic disease
  • Support you as you achieve your health goals and maintain optimal health

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